34 year old male
GM Blog: 34 year old male patient NOTE This is an ongoing case and will be updated The reference link (if any) will be mentioned at the bottom. Date of admission: 25/02/22 CHIEF COMPLAINT :- YELLOWISH DISCOLORATION of eyes and urine since7-8 days c/o abdominal distension since 7days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS- pt was apparently asymptomatic 7 months back, then the first time he had yellowish discoloration of eyes he was admitted to a local hospital and was diagnosed with alcoholic liver disease and was advised to stop alcohol. 2 months back his brother expired, out of agony he again started drinking excess alcohol 180-360 ml since 40 days. patient developed progressive distension of abdomen associated with yellowish discoloration of eyes and urine. h/o fever on and off since 1 week h/o constipation since 2 days no h/o melena, hematemesis ,no sleep disturbances h/o of weakness since 10 days PAST HISTORY: No history of hypertension, diabetes no history of CAD ,ast...