
Showing posts from October, 2022

60 year old female with fever

60 year old female patient  GM Blog: 60 year old female patient  NOTE This is an ongoing case and will be updated  The reference link (if any) will be mentioned at the bottom. Date of admission: 31-10-2022 CHIEF COMPLAINT: patient came to the opd with complaints of  fever since 3 days and c/o cough associated with sputum  since 3 days  C/o hoarseness of voice and throat pain since 3 days  C/o decreased appetite since 5-6 months  C/o weight loss approximately 20kg over the last 1 year. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back then she got fever and cough associated with sputum. She also had hoarseness of voice since 3 days. She had loss weight of 20 kg over 1 year. PAST HISTORY: Hypertension since 6 months not on regular medication  Hypothyroidism since 1 year on regular medication Diabetes mellitus since 6 years on regular glimiperide 1mg , metformin 500mg and saxagliptin 50mg PERSONAL HISTORY: Married  Moderately built and nourishment. Diet: mixed.

70 year old female

70 year old female patient  GM Blog: 70 year old female patient  NOTE This is an ongoing case and will be updated  The reference link (if any) will be mentioned at the bottom. Date of admission: 30-10-2022 CHIEF COMPLAINT : patient came to the opd with complaints of fever since 20 days Pain in abdomen and shortness of breath since 5days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 20 days back then she developed fever which was high grade and intermittent type,associated with generalized body weakness,chills, she went to a rmp near by and took some medication which relieved the fever for 2 days and again fever get started she went to another hospital in miryalaguda where she was diagnosed with Dengue and treated but she developed pain abdomen and SOB for which she underwent an USG and diagnosed as ascites and was referred to our hospital PAST HISTORY: M/k/c/o hypertension, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, Asthma, thyroid disorders ,epilepsy or any other chronic ill

60 year old female patient

  60 year old female patient  GM Blog: 60 year old female patient  NOTE This is an ongoing case and will be updated  The reference link (if any) will be mentioned at the bottom. Date of admission: 12-10-2022 CHIEF COMPLAINT :  patient came to the opd with complaints of cold and cough since 6 days. H/o fall on left shoulder 5days back. Shortness of  breath since 5days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 days back.then she had cold and cough which relieved on medication.  5 days back she fell down from bed while sleeping  at around 5am in morning.  From next day she complaints of breathlessness  which is grade 1 MMRC and progressed to grade 3 MMRC and pedal edema since 4 days. No h/ o fever and headache.   She complaints of left shoulder pain ( due to fall) . No h/ o chest pain ,palpitations, orthopnea, pnd. Yesterday she went to area hospital around 9am and her bp was 185/120mmhg and then referred to our hospital. On admission her bp was 220/90mmhg. PAST H